We are the Global Ebola Response Coalition (GERC) - a committed group of organisations who are collectively playing a huge role in the global response to the Ebola outbreak.
The coalition includes representatives of the most affected countries, bilateral and multilateral donors, NGOs and UN Agencies and Foundations. It is a rich and diverse group who share a common purpose: to confront and end the Ebola outbreak.
The UN Secretary-General established the Global Ebola Response Coalition in September 2014 to provide strategic coordination of the Ebola response. The Special Envoy on Ebola convenes the Coalition on a weekly basis. Read the meeting notes.
Coalition activities
The key functions of the Coalition are:
- Establishing agreement on the strategic priorities of the response, ensuring operational consistency against the strategy and principles
- Sharing understanding of the priority needs in the Ebola response, and mobilizing and tracking the resources which are needed to deliver it
- Monitoring the outbreak and reporting on progress of the ebola response
- Ensuring credible and consistent communications between stakeholders, and to the wider public
Coalition members
The Coalition is not a formal group and does not have formal membership. Organisations can choose to engage or not and as a result participation may change over time. To participate in the weekly teleconference, please Contact us.