To rise to the challenge ahead and to prevent the further spread of Ebola, a number of urgent requirements are needed critically on the ground.
The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) released the Overview of Needs and Requirements [PDF document] on 16 September 2014. It outlines the resources considered critical to effectively address the crisis across a range of objectives over the next six months by national governments, the World Health Organization, the UN agencies, funds and programmes, and some non-governmental organizations.
Priority requests
We have compiled a list of priority in-kind requirements for the Ebola response which will augment and multiply the impact of the resources identified by OCHA. This is now being shared with all Member States. These include:
- air lift, particularly helicopters, and maritime transport capabilities, fuel, vehicles
- mobile laboratory facilities capable of movement throughout affected countries;
- static non-Ebola medical clinics;
- emergency medical evacuation capability for movement of international aid workers potentially exposed to Ebola to locations for appropriate medical care;
- 3.3 million items of high quality personal protective equipment; training
- provision of Ebola Treatment Centres.
The UN will do its part, but this requires collective support. We are not only looking to Member States, but to a wide cross-section of actors and non-traditional partners, including the international business community.
Priority requests for private sector engagement
To contain spreading the Ebola, it is imperative we mobilize all resources and efforts. The upsurge in the response efforts by the private sector is welcome; but we must do more, and we must do it faster. For this reason we are turning also to private sector to engage with the overall Ebola outbreak response. Refer to unmeer-ebola-business-guide.pdf if you are a private sector actor wishing to contribute to these efforts.
Trust Fund
The UN has established the Ebola Response Multi-Partner Trust Fund, which will ensure a coherent UN system contribution to the overall Ebola outbreak response. The Fund is guided by the strategic priorities set out in the OCHA Overview of Needs and Requirements, totalling almost $1 billion. The Trust Fund seeks contributions from Member States, regional legislative bodies, inter-governmental or nongovernmental organizations, businesses and individuals. If you would like to contribute please go to
You can also contribute to the United Nations Foundation Ebola Response Fund.